Colorectal cancer: the role of PET/CT in recurrence

W. Vogel, B. Wiering, F. Corstens, T. Ruers and W. Oyen

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.



Many imaging modalities and scanning techniques, such as contrast enhanced CT, MRI and FDG-PET, are available for assessment of recurrent colorectal carcinoma. In addition, integrated PET/CT is becoming increasingly available. Intuitively, a synergistic combination of scanning characteristics sounds promising. However, the exact clinical value has not yet been fully established. The role of PET/CT image fusion must be weighed carefully against other available modalities. In this review we evaluate the potential of combined PET/CT in recurrent colorectal carcinoma. When available, PET/CT currently appears the diagnostic tool of choice. In the near future, combined PET/MRI may further enhance the diagnostic algorithm.