Detection of infection and inflammation with indium-111 labeled human nonspecific immunoglobulin G

W. Oyen



In the past twenty years, the utility of several radiopharmaceuticals has been investigated. So far, all currently available scintigraphic techniques have shown serious limitations. Therefore, research in this field of nuclear medicine is still in progress in order to develop more adequate and more convenient diagnostic procedures. In 1988, indium-Ill labeled human nonspecific polyclonal immunoglobulin G (In-111-IgG) was suggested as an agent to detect sites of infection. The first aim of the studies, presented in this thesis, was to investigate the diagnostic potential of this newly developed radiopharmaceutical in various patient categories. The second objective was to contribute to the elucidation of the mechanism of accumulation in infectious foci. Thirdly, this new modality was to be put in perspective with at present commonly used techniques such as In-111 labeled leukocyte scintigraphy.

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