Janneke Molkenboer-Kuenen

Office: Route 756
Telephone: +31 243667319
Email: janneke.molkenboer-kuenen@radboudumc.nl
Publication list

Janneke Molkenboer-Kuenen studied Medical Microbiology at University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. She started her career as a laboratory technician at the Central Bacteriological and Serological Laboratory (CBSL) in Hilversum. 1.5 years later she switched to Experimental Medical Microbiology at the Utrecht University as a research technician. In the meantime, she studied Biology/Animal Experimental Specialization at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, which she successfully completed after 2 years. In 1997 she accepted a new position at the Experimental Urology dept. at Radboud UMC Nijmegen as Senior Research Technician. Here she moved from microbiological to oncological research projects eventually ending up with the Nuclear Medicine department of the Radboud UMC, leading to more specialization in Histochemistry and Immunology research. In addition, Janneke is also the VM (Verantwoordelijke Medewerker/responsible employee) for GMO activities for the Imaging department of the Radboud UMC.